Hammocks in Summer

Hi All!

I love summer mostly because of the hammock!

Sissy says to me, “Do you want to get into the hammock?” I go running to it. I love sitting with Sissy. I love the breeze in my fur. I love looking over the balcony to see all the dogs marching to and from the dog run. I love people watching. Sissy reads her books and foodie magazines and I people watch. I watch the door people unload cars full of groceries. Together we watch the sunset. I love the hammock.

I guess I love Summer and Hammocks. They just go together!!!

And we both love taking naps in it.


Chinese Crested Pooch

A friend saw a tattooed man and a dog and took this picture and said look at this…well, if you look close…it is a Chinese Crested dog….this is HALF of what I am…

THANK goodness I am half poodle…the poodle part makes me cute…I know I have a lot of those features..but I’m WAY cuter….but I have the same snout and I have those cool polka dots…mine aren’t as dark…

See what you think….here is the Chinese crested (and owner) first…

tattoo man & chinese crested

chinese crested

Here I am below…..



You see it…don’t you? THAT bald dog and I look alike, but my Sissy and that man looking nothing alike….thankfully for her…she is far cuter than him too!

Have a good weekend,




If There Is A God?

He will not let my Sissy do this to me…because this dog is pink…HOT PINK…and Sissy’s favorite colors are coral and periwinkle and I can see her turning me purple…Color Me Purple…no, please don’t…and do you notice the dog matches her jacket!

All I can say is OMG!!!


Exhausting Watching Sissy


This morning has been an exhausting day!

Sissy has sat across from me on that damn computer working for SEVERAL HOURS…..kinda ignoring me…

What does she do on that thing….??? WRITE, WRITE, WRITE….

It makes me so tired….

Photo on 5-11-16 at 12.40 PM

Yep, that is her foot. She sits over there and writes in her corner…and I sit her over…

And occasionally we move….

Photo on 5-11-16 at 1.50 PM

and I check on her…..and then I go back to sleep…

Photo on 5-11-16 at 1.54 PM

and she WRITES, WRITES, WRITES…thank goodness we both get to sit near the window….

Time for me to get up and nudge her…she needs to know it is time for lunch…



WTF? Dog food?

You feed me Skyline Chili yesterday and pray tell…what the heck is this?


DOG FOOD???? Are you kidding me? Remember, me? Your dog, refined palette. Hello!!!!

There has got to be something better to eat in that refrigerator! Come ON!!! Try again…

I’ll wait….


Heaven Cincinnati Style

Well, Sissy left me ALL day long to go ZIPLINING in the trees of Indiana with her 87-year old pal Vivian.

Apparently, on their way home they stopped at a Cincy favorite called SKYLINE Chili. Sissy ordered a 4-Way but because of her diet only ate half of it.

Guess who got the other half!

This is Skyline chili. A treasured Cincy favorite!!! We love our Skyline!


This is Skyline chili in my dog bowl!


This is me being incredibly impatient waiting for Sissy to put the bowl down on the ground.


This is me eating my Skyline 4-way as fast as possible!!!!




Is there anymore???


Pleasssseeee…..I love this stuff!!!!



Do you see my face? What is this face saying to you? Let me tell you!!! I can’t believe you ate half and ONLY  brought half of this back to me! REALLY???